

乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台机器人与信息自动化研究所  天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室

Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System

Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics


Seminar SeriesAdvanced Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

题目:Compatible Formation for UAVs with Visual Sensing Constraint

报告人:Xiang Chen, University of Windsor, Canada

时间: 2019.02.22,下午14:00-15:00

地点: 乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台南楼329室

Abstract: Cameras have been applied as one of major sensors on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for different purposes, such as data capturing and communication. This talk considers the problem of UAV formation through fish-eye cameras with limited Field of View (FOV) when other sensing and communication resources are degraded or faulted. The concept of Compatible Formation is introduced on the visual communication graph to characterize the group flying pattern of UAVs such that no blind spots are exhibited. It is shown that, if a formation is deemed as compatible under this new concept, a distributed control algorithm could then be developed and applied to steer UAVs into a visible region of some others, hence keeping the UAV group of the interest visually connected.


Bio:Xiang Chen received M. Sc. and Ph. D. degree in system and control from Louisiana State University in 1996 and 1998. He held cross-appointed positions in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering at the University of Windsor, Canada, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has made fundamental contribution to H-Infinity Gaussain filtering and control, control of nonlinear systems with bifurcation, networked control system, and optimization of field sensing network. He has also made significant contribution to industrial applications of control and optimization of automotive

systems and visual sensing systems in manufacturing through extensive collaborative research and development activities with automotive, robotics, and manufacturing industries. Some of the deliverables have been patented by relevant companies or transferred to technological products of relevant companies. He is currently a Senior Editor for the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, an Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, and Associate Editors for International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Control

Theory and Technology (English Version), and Unman Systems. He received the Award of Best Paper Finalist from 2017 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, the Award of Best Student Paper Finalist (as supervisor author) from 2015 ASME DSCC, the New Opportunity Awards from the Canadian Foundation of Innovation and from the Ontario Centre of Excellence--Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, and 4 times Research Awards from the University of Windsor. His research has been well supported by research funds from government agencies at both federal and provincial levels in Canada and

from industrial companies in both Canada and USA. His current research interests include model-guided optimization and control of systems with complexities, graph-/game-theoretic approaches for complex networked systems, control and optimization of field sensor networks for autonomous operations, as well as control applications to automotive systems and autonomous networked robotic vehicles. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada.




时间: 2019.02.22,下午15:00-16:00

地点: 乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台南楼329室






主要从事多自主体系统分布式协同控制、网络化控制系统、自主无人系统分析与控制等方面的研究工作。撰写英文专著1部,发表SCI检索论文50多篇。2018年科睿唯安全球高被引科学家,以及2018年度北京市科技新星计划。曾获2015年国家自然科学二等奖(排名第三),第四届杨嘉墀科技奖二等奖,2012年全国优秀博士学位论文奖等荣誉与奖励。第一作者论文获2013年IET Control Theory & Applications Premium Award和2009-2011系统科学最佳论文奖。目前担任SCI期刊Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems副主编。