2018年春季先进机器人与MEMS技术系列学术讲座 (第112期)

乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台机器人与信息自动化研究所   天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室

Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System

Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics

2018年春季先进机器人与MEMS技术系列学术讲座 (112)

Seminar SeriesAdvanced Robotics & MEMS

题目Nanoengineering of Bioinspired  Multifunctional Surfaces


时间 2018626日(周二),上午10:30-11:30

地点: 计控楼105教室


报告人Chang-Hwan Choi

单位:Stevens Institute of Technology,美国史蒂文斯理工
报告人简介:崔昌焕教授完成了20多个科研基金和项目合同,并得到了包括美国科学基金(NSF)、美国海军研究局(ONR)、美国国防部高级计划研究局(DARPA)、美国陆军(US Army)、美国能源部(DOE)、美国化学学会(ACS)、美国农业部(USDA)等相关部门的总金额超过600万美元的资金支持。在这些项目实施期间,培养了5名博士后,10名博士和8名硕士,发表超过100篇的期刊和会议论文(被引用总数量超过3000),4篇授权和在审专利。在相关会议、高校以及国家实验室做过超过100次主题报告,包括nature在内的媒体对其中一些活动做过报道。被授予ONR Young Investigator Award,Stevens Research Recognition Award和NSF Fellowships等奖项。在2010年崔昌焕教授被AZoNano选为纳米科技思维带头人(Nanotechnology Thought Leaders)。2013年崔昌焕教授被指定为八名美国代表中的一名参加开发基金会全球讲习班(CRDF Global Workshop)探讨美国与乌兹别克斯坦之间在能源研究上的合作

Nature such as plants, insects, and marine animals uses three-dimensional (3D) micro/nano-textured surfaces with tailored surface wettability and mechanical pliability in their components (e.g., leaves, wings, eyes, legs, and skins) for multifunctional purposes such as self-cleaning, low-friction, anti-fouling, anti-icing, and anti-reflection, with great energy efficiency. As scientific quests and engineering applications reach down to such a nanometer scale inspired by the nature, there is a strong need to fabricate 3D nanostructures with good regularity and controllability of their pattern, size, and shape. In many applications, furthermore, the nanostructures are not useful unless they cover a relatively large area and the manufacturing cost is within an acceptable range. The first part of this presentation will introduce effective 3D nano-patterning and fabrication techniques to create well-regulated nanostructures over a relatively large substrate area of various types of substrate materials including ceramics, metals, and polymers. Such large-area 3D nanostructures with tailored structural dimensions and geometries can open new application possibilities in many areas. The rest of the talk will present a few examples of the applications using the 3D nanostructures, such as hydrodynamic friction reduction, anti-biofouling, anti-icing, anti-corrosion, and anti-reflection.