Jiyi Li博士学术讲座

题目: A Brief Introduction and Label Aggregation for Quality Control

讲者: Dr Jiyi Li

时间: 2018年3月22日  16:30

地点: 乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台计算机与控制工程学院 545会议室


Crowdsourcing offers easy access to human intelligence. It has been successfully applied to various areas and attracting attention as human-in-the-loop solutions for data analysis and artificial intelligence. In this talk, we first give a very brief introduction of crowdsourcing. After that, we will introduce one of our recent work on label aggregation for the quality control problem in crowdsourcing. Finally, we will introduce some miscellaneous issues like crowdsoucing in the research areas of the audiences of this talk.


Dr. Jiyi Li received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Nankai University, China. He received Ph.D. degree from Kyoto University, Japan. Currently, he is an assistant professor at University of Yamanashi, Japan. His current research topics are crowdsourcing and natural language processing. His research interest include crowdsourcing, human computation, natural language processing, information retrieval, data mining. He has more than thirty publications, which includes international conference papers like CIKM, ECML-PKDD, SIGIR, PAKDD, WISE, APWeb, WAIM, etc.