2017年秋季先进机器人与MEMS技术系列学术讲座 (第103、104期)

乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台机器人与信息自动化研究所   天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室
Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System

Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics
2017年秋季先进机器人与MEMS技术系列学术讲座 (第103、104期)
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS

时间:12月27日 周三 上午10:00-12:00
报告人: 董立新 教授

本报告将简要介绍基于透射电子显微镜(TEM)的纳米机器人操作以及纳米尺度机器人作为平台的物理功能化等方向的最新进展。具体内容包括TEM中纳米结构与器件的原位操作、原型创制、基于扫描探针、扫描模式TEM、电子能量损失谱等的机电特性表征及与结构的关联技术、以及纳米机器人点焊与纳米金属结构的3D打印等原位制造技术。上述器件包括基于碳纳米管、石墨烯及豌豆荚型纳米线层间与子结构间内部隧道电流以及表面等离子体共振的多体互耦光机电传感器、基于异质结的纳米忆阻传感器、探针型机电系统(NEMS on a tip)、光学天线等,这些器件在微米尺度平台上的集成将为纳米机器人的无线通讯、能量传输以及智能化提供技术基础,是微尺度机器人走向功能化、智能化并在无创精准医疗、纳米制造等新兴领域中获得应用的关键技术。
董立新教授2003年获得日本名古屋大学微系统工程工学博士学位,2003-2004年任名古屋大学微纳系统工程学科助理教授,2005-2008年在瑞士苏黎士联邦理工学院机器人与智能系统研究所任资深研究员、创建纳米机器人研究组并任主任,其后加入美国密歇根州立大学,创建纳米机器人系统研究室,现为该校电子与计算机工程系副教授(终身教授)。兼任IEEE 国际纳米能源、环境及安全技术委员会主席,IEEE纳米技术委员会(NTC)AdCom机器人及自动化学会联络官、IEEE机器人及自动化学会出版理事会IEEE NTC代表、IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology资深编辑等,获国际重要学术奖励30余个,如2011年度美国自然科学基金AREER Award,2008年美国杰出专业和学术著作奖等等。他是纳米机器人三维操作和纳米尺度机器人的开拓者之一。是国际上最早应用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜进行碳纳米管及其它纳米材料和结构的三维操作的研究者之一。2007年成为世界首台微米尺度仿生螺旋机器人的发明者之一(2009年获颁吉尼斯世界纪录:“世界最小医用机器人”)。迄今为止,已发表各类学术论文230余篇。

题目2:BioMEMS and Bioinstrumentation for Single Cell Analysis
时间:12月27日 周三 上午10:00-12:00
报告人: 胡程志 博士

Biomedical microelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS) are miniaturized systems that are widely investigated in biological and medical sciences. Compared with conventional techniques, bioMEMS devices offer remarkable advantages in terms of high-throughput, low-cost, and quantitative bioanalysis. Over the past few years, Dr. Hu has been endeavoring to the development and use of bioMEMS devices that can be integrated with micro/nano- robots, and micro/nano- manipulation tools for single cell analysis. He has developed a novel soft indentation method for on-chip and high-throughput characterization of cellular biomechanical properties of tip-growing cells. Another multifunctional microelectrode device that can generate quantitative chemical cues has been proposed and implemented to investigate their effects on the polarized growth of pollen tube. These bioMEMS devices provide a versatile platform for studying plant cell expansion, morphogenesis, and mechanotransduction. As to the implementation on micro-robot system level, he has developed a double template-assisted electrodeposition method for fabricating porous magnetic microrobots. Drugs can be encapsulated inside pores and the release can be triggered by external cues such as pH and temperature.
Chengzhi Hu received the Ph.D degree in the Department of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering, Nagoya University in 2014. He received his Bachelor degree (2008) and Master degree (2010) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, both majoring in mechanical science and engineering. Since May 2014, he joined Multi-Scale Robotics Lab at ETH Zurich, as a postdoctoral associate. His current research interests include the development of magnetic micro/nano tools, and the design and implementation of BioMEMS and microrobot for single cell analysis; active control of capsule endoscope; magnetically guided assembly of porogen and hydrogel microfibers for fabrication of tissue-engineering scaffolds. Till now, he has published 20 journal papers and 24 conference papers, including papers on Lab on a Chip, Electrochemistry Communications, ACS Nano, and other top journals. Moreover, he has filed 4 patents, has contributed in the writing of one book, has led three research projects, and has participated in two research projects. The funding sources include European Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation and Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. He has received the award for Excellent Graduate Student of Nagoya University (top 5% of the University), Best Paper Award on MHS 2012, and won the champion in ICRA 2015 mobile microrobot assembly challenge.