

 Nankai University International E-Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


l 20201114日(周六) 腾讯会议:356 2733 3629

19:30-20:30 席  宁 香港大学

报告题目:Robotics in Artificial Intelligence Era

20:30-21:30 李文荣 香港城市大学

报告题目:AI Sensors for Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics

l 20201115日(周日) 腾讯会议:866 2460 3481

19:30-20:30 董立新 香港城市大学




腾讯会议:356 2733 3629

报告嘉宾:席宁 香港大学

报告题目:Robotics in Artificial Intelligence Era

Abstract The recent development in information technology and artificial intelligence has significantly enhanced the development of robotics. This talk will present the vision and related research activities on the recent development of robotics enabled by artificial intelligence, especially in the areas of robotic system, sensor integration, and human/robot collaborations. The ultimate goal is to develop theoretical foundations as well as implementation schemes for robots to increase their efficiency, reliability and safety, and to achieve a robust and intelligent system performance. The applications discussed will involve manufacturing automation, biomedical, as well as services. The challenges and opportunities in the development of robotic technology and new applications will be discussed.

BiographyProfessor Ning Xi received D.Sc. degree in Systems Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in December 1993. Currently he is the Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation of the University of Hong Kong. Before joining the University of Hong Kong, he was a University Distinguished Professor, the John D. Ryder Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of Robotics and Automation Laboratory at Michigan State University in United States. He also served as the founding head of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (2011-2013). Dr. Xi was awarded the first Early Academic Career Award by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society in May, 1999. He was also awarded SPIE Nano Engineering Award in 2007. In addition, he is a recipient of US National Science Foundation CAREER Award.



腾讯会议:356 2733 3629

报告嘉宾:李文荣 香港城市大学

报告题目:AI Sensors for Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics

Abstract Without X-ray computed tomography or stethoscope, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) relies on visual inspection, auscultation/olfaction, inquiring, and palpation for medical diagnosis. We will present an intelligent “palpation robotic hand” (PRH) that uses 3 fingers, which are integrated with micro pressure sensor arrays, to acquire temporal and 3D spatial pulse information from human wrists and uses AI-based algorithms to classify arterial pulse patterns of patients. The technical specification of the PRH is to digitize and recognize at least 28 fundamental types of sphygmographic pulse patterns described by TCM doctors in the past few hundred years and correlate these patterns to disease diagnosis. We will also discuss our work on flexible skin-conforming sensors for disease diagnostics based on voice spectrogram and auricle electrical properties.


Wen Jung LI (BS/MS, University of Southern California; PhD, UCLA) is currently Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and concurrently serving as Associate Provost (Resources Planning) of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Prior to joining CityU, he was with the Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from 1997 to 2011. His academic honors include IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, and 100 Talents of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院百人计划). He served as the President of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council in 2016 and 2017 and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the new IEEE Open Journal on Nanotechnology. Before joining CUHK, he held R&D positions at the NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena), The Aerospace Corporation (El Segundo), and Silicon Microstructures Inc. (Fremont). Since 1997, his research group has published more than 300 technical papers related to MEMS, Nano-sensors, and Robotics, including papers in Science Advances, Nature Communications, Nature Methods, Advanced Functional Materials, IEEE/ASME J. MEMS, and IEEE Internet of Things Journal. His current research interest includes BioMEMS, super-resolution microscopy, and intelligent cyber physical sensors.



腾讯会议:866 2460 3481

报告嘉宾:董立新  香港城市大学




董立新,香港城市大学终身教授,名古屋大学工学博士,曾任密歇根州立大学副教授(终身教授),瑞士联邦理工大学(ETH)资深研究员等;兼任IEEE纳米技术委员会(NTC)副主席,IEEE机器人及自动化学会(R&A)出版物委员会(PAB)理事,IEEE T-NANO资深编辑,IEEE T-ASEIEEE OJ-NANOCyborg & Bionic Systems (Science Partner J)等副编辑,NTC国际纳米能源、环境及安全技术委员会主席等。获2011年度美国NSF CAREER Award2008年度美国杰出专业和学术著作奖两项等等。是三维纳米机器人操作、纳米机器人点焊及纳米机器人智能末端执行器等的初创者之一,世界最小纳米直线伺服电机(2007年度IEEE TASE/固高最佳论文奖)及磁控微机器人人工细菌鞭毛2009年度最小医用微机器人吉尼斯世界纪录)的主创者之一。