
2022年02月23日 10:17 霍卫光 点击:[]



姓      名:霍卫光

性      别:男


职      称:教授

学      历:博士





霍卫光,乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才。2022年获聘英国帝国理工学院荣誉讲师,2017年获法国国家助理教授资格认证。201612月获法国东巴黎大学信号、图像、自动化专业博士学位,20169月至20178月在法国巴黎第十二大学(隶属东巴黎大学)担任教学科研助理(ATER,博士后研究员),20179月至201812月在巴黎第十二大学图像、信号、智能系统实验室从事博士后研究,20192月至202112月在帝国理工学院机械工程系担任博士后研究员(Research Associate)202112月加入乐虎游戏官方网站入口。


2017年至今,于英国帝国理工学院和法国巴黎第十二大学分别协助指导博士生3名和硕士生2名。其中,指导的1名硕士生论文入围IEEE ISR国际会议最佳学生论文奖,1名博士生项目于2020年获得了英国MedTech SuperConnector加速器项目7.5万英镑的科研-创业资助。






     1. 面向复杂行走任务连续预测和辅助的下肢外骨骼协同控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,50万,2024-2027

     2. 神-肌-肢一体化高效人机协同控制,国家重点研发计划“智能机器人”专项课题,80万,2022-2025


1. 面向被动震颤抑制治疗的闭环电刺激-肌音传感器系统,英国国家健康研究所 (NIHR),100万英镑,2021-2023

2. 定制化下肢外骨骼的快速加工,英国帝国理工学院(ICL)—德国慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)联合博士研究学院项目,25万英镑(ICL:50%),2021-2023

3. 利用可穿戴传感器、触觉和互动游戏激发治疗背痛的核心肌肉锻炼,英国惠康基金会/英国医学研究委员会项目,16万英镑,2019-2021

4. 帕金森病症状量化的临床影响,英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)基金项目,13万英镑,2018-2022

5. 两自由度足下垂自适应功能性电刺激系统,法国技术转化和促进协会项目,26.1万欧元,2017-2020


1. 入选乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台百名青年学科带头人培养计划                         2022

2. IEEE ISR 国际会议最佳学生论文奖入围(指导老师)            2018

3. 法国国家助理教授认证资格                                              2017

4. 法国教育部博士生奖学金(东巴黎大学UPEC分校第一名)     2013


1. 2021 MHS国际会议主题报告(Keynote Talk),报告题目:Human-Centred Assistive Strategies for Lower Limb Exoskeletons

2. 2020 上海交通大学康复和软体机器人国际研讨会,报告题目:Hierarchical control strategies for lower-limb exoskeletons


完整论文列表详见:Google Scholar


  • S. Zhang, N. Yu,  Jinhui Guo, W.  Huo*, J. Han, “Single-channel sEMG-based estimation of knee joint angle using a decomposition algorithm with a state-space model”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol.31, pp. 4703-4712, 2023.

  • Q. Zeng, P. Liu, N. Yu,  J. Wu*, W.  Huo*J. Han*Video-based quantification of gait impairments in Parkinson’s disease using skeleton-silhouette fusion convolution network”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol.31, pp. 2912-2922, 2023.

  • W. Huo*, M. A. Alouane, V. Bonnet, J. Huang, Y. Amirat, R. Vaidyanathan, and S. Mohammed, “Impedance Modulation  Control of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton to Assist Sit-to-Stand Movements”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp.1230-1249, 2022.  

  • C. Caulcrick, W. Huo*, E. Franco, S. Mohammed, W. Hoult, R. Vaidyanathan, “Model Predictive Control for Human-Centred Lower Limb Robotic Assistance”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 980 - 991, 2021.

  • C. Caulcrick, W. Huo*, W. Hoult, R.Vaidyanathan, “Human Joint Torque Modelling with MMG and EMG during Lower Limb  Human-Exoskeleton Interaction”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,  vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7185 - 7192, 2021.

  • L. Formstone, W. Huo*, S. Wilson, A. McGregor, P. Bentley, and R.Vaidyanathan, “Quantification of Motor Function Post-stroke using Novel Fusion of Wearable Inertial and Mechanomyographic Sensors”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol.  29, pp. 1158 - 1167, 2021.

  • W. Huo*, P. Angeles, Y. Tai, N. Pavese, S.Wilson, M. T. Hu and R.Vaidyanathan, “A Heterogeneous Sensing Suite for Multisymptom Quantification of Parkinson's Disease”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol.  28, no.6, pp. 1397 - 1406, 2020.

  • W. Huo*, M. A. Alouane, Y. Amirat and S. Mohammed, “Force Control of SEA-based Exoskeletons for Multimode Human-Robot Interactions”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 570-577, 2020.

  • W. Huo, S. Mohammed, and Y. Amirat, “Impedance Reduction Control of a Knee Joint Human Exoskeleton System”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2541-2556, 2019.

  • W. Huo*, V. A. Paniagua, G. Ding,  Y. Amirat and S. Mohammed, “Adaptive Proxy-based Controller of an Active Ankle Foot Orthosis to Assist Lower Limb Movements of Paretic Patients”, Robotica, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2147-2164, 2019.

  • W. Huo, S. Mohammed, Y. Amirat, and K. Kong, “Fast Gait Mode Detection and Assistive Torque Control of an Exoskeletal Robotic Orthosis for Walking Assistance”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 34, no.4, pp. 1035-1052, 2018.

  • W. Huo, S. Mohammed, J. C. Moreno,  and Y. Amirat, “Lower Limb Wearable Robots for Assistance and Rehabilitation: A State of the Art”, IEEE Systems Journal, vol.10, no. 3, pp. 1068-1081, 2016.

  • S. Mohammed, W. Huo,  J. Huang, H. Rifai, and Y. Amirat, “Nonlinear Disturbance Observer Based Sliding Mode Control of a Human-driven Knee Joint Orthosis”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 75(A), pp. 41-49, 2016.

  • J. Huang, W. Huo (Co-First), W. Xu, S. Mohammed, and Y. Amirat, “Control of  Upper-limb Power-assist Exoskeleton Using a Human-Robot Interface Based on Motion Intention Recognition”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1257-1270, 2015.


  • P. Wattanasiri, S. Wilson, W. Huo, A. Lewis, K.  Christos, R. Vaidyanathan, “Adaptive Mechanomyogram Hand Gesture Recognition in Online and Repeatable Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE),  pp. 2315-2321, 2021.

  • P. Jung, W. Huo, H. Moon, Y. Amirat, S. Mohammed, “A Novel Gait Phase Detection Algorithm for Foot Drop Correction through Optimal Hybrid FES-Orthosis Assistance”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 10391-10397, 2021.

  • W. Huo, V. A. Paniagua, M. Ghedira, Y. Amirat, J. M. Gracies,  and S. Mohammed, “Adaptive FES Assistance Using a Novel Gait Phase Detection Approach”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robot and Systems (IROS), pp. 5187-5193, 2018.

  • G. Ding, W. Huo, J. Huang, Y. Amirat, and S. Mohammed, “Robust and Safe Control of a Knee Joint Orthosis", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics (ISR), pp. 343-348, 2018. (Finalist for best student paper award)

  • R. Mallat, V. Bonnet, W. Huo P. Karasinski, Y.   Amirat, M. Khalil, and S. Mohammed, “Human-Exoskeleton System Dynamics Identification Using Affordable Sensors”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 6759-6765, 2018.

  • F. Wehbi, W. Huo, Y. Amirat, M. El Rafei, M. Khalil, and S. Mohammed, “Active Impedance Control of a Knee-joint Orthosis During Swing Phase”, IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp. 435-440, 2017.

  • W. Huo, S Mohammed, Y. Amirat, and K. Kong, “Active Impedance Control of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton to Assist Sit-to-Stand Movement”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 3530-3526, 2016.

  • W. Huo, S. Mohammed and Y. Amirat, “Observer-based Active Impedance Control of a Knee-Joint Assistive Orthosis”, IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp. 313-318, 2015.

  • W. Huo, J. Huang, Y. Wang, J. Wu, and L. Cheng, “Control of  Upper-limb Power-assist Exoskeleton Based on Motion Intention Recognition”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.   2243-2248, 2011.

  • W. Huo, J. Huang, Y. Wang, and J. Wu, “Control of a  Rehabilitation Robotic Exoskeleton Based on Intentional Reaching Direction”, IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS),  pp. 357-362, 2010.


  • S. Mohammed, W. Huo, H. Rifai, W. Hassani, and  Y. Amirat, “Robust Control of an Actuated Orthosis for Lower Limb Movement Restoration”, in Intelligent Assistive Robots-STAR edition, Springer,  pp.385-400, 2015.




Review Editor: Frontiers in Neurorobotics

Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, IEEE ICRA, IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE ICORR, etc.



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