
2023年06月01日 08:56  点击:[]


姓  名: 陈飞

性  别:

所属部门: 自动化系


职  称: 教授

学  历: 博士

所学专业: 控制理论与控制工程


电子邮件: fchen@nankai.edu.cn

研究方向: 多智能体系统,复杂网络,分布式优化,协同控制



在Springer出版专著1部,为Wiley电子百科全书撰写”Distributed consensus in networks”词条。发表100余篇SCI/EI论文,其中30余篇IEEE/IFAC汇刊论文,含14篇TAC/Automatica两大旗舰期刊论文。




1. 河北省自然科学奖一等奖

2. 河北省自然科学基金杰出青年项目获得者

3. 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划

4. 福建省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师

5. 河北省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师

6. 河北省三三三人才(第三层次)

7. 秦皇岛市“百年百杰”杰出青年学习宣传对象

8. 全国集群智能与协同控制大会最佳海报论文奖

9. 全国复杂网络会议最佳学生论文提名奖(指导导师)

10. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems杰出审稿人

11. 入选“乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台百名青年学科带头人”培养计划

12. 乐虎国际电子游戏娱乐平台优秀博士学位论文

13. 厦门大学奖教金

14. 厦门大学航空航天学院优秀科研奖


1. 主持,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目

2. 主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目

3. 主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目

4. 主持, 国家自然科学基金青年项目

5. 主持, 河北省自然科学基金杰出青年项目

6. 主持,福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划

7. 主持,福建省自然科学基金面上项目

8. 主持,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金

9. 主持,教育部中央高校基本科研业务费

10. 主持,国家重点实验室开放课题


1. 陈飞、王武广、冯宠、黄伯敏、项林英,一种基于平均一致性的分布式图片加/解密方法,中国发明专利,ZL202010190078X,已授权

2. 陈飞、孟凡卫、项林英,基于SIRS模型与博弈论的⾃适应抑制病毒传播⽅法,中国发明专利,ZL202110417073.0,已授权

3. 陈飞、杨承旺、黄伯敏、项林英, 基于自适应卡尔曼滤波与平均跟踪的分布式地图融合方法,中国发明专利,2020109720643,已授权

4. 陈飞、贾春香、项林英, 基于能耗的无人机分布式编队控制方法,中国发明专利 ,ZL201910749691.8,已授权

5. 陈飞、金瑾、项林英、魏永涛、孙文义,基于粗糙信息的有向多智能体⽹络的分布式优化,中国发明专利,ZL202011154250.2,已授权

6. 陈飞、韦存浩、景鹏、项林英,一种基于韧性协议的分布式平均跟踪方法,中国发明专利,ZL2020101941883,已授权

7. 陈飞、康硕城、项林英,一种有限时间分布式聚合优化方法,中国发明专利,ZL202110375948.5,已授权

8. 陈飞、刘慧、项林英, 线性微分包含多智能体系统的分布式平均跟踪的控制方法,中国发明专利,ZL201610121161.5,已授权

9. 陈飞、洪章城、兰维瑶、项林英, 一种基于时延滑模控制的分布式平均跟踪方法,中国发明专利,ZL201611027878.X, 已授权

10. 陈飞、林志聪、项林英, 一种基于简单预测-校正环节的分布式信号跟踪方法,中国发明专利,ZL201910544597.9, 已授权

11. 陈飞、景鹏、项林英, 基于线性微分包含的多无人机编队控制方法,中国发明专利 ,ZL201910544582.2,已授权

12. 陈飞、黄传奇、项林英,一种基于权重不平衡有向网络的分布式平均跟踪方法,中国发明专利,202110200402.6,已授权

13. 陈飞、吴佳鑫、项林英,不确定性有向⽹络的分布式平均跟踪⽅法,中国发明专利,202110653289.7,已授权

14. 陈飞、申志飞、项林英、黄伯敏, 一种基于分布式优化的无人机群协同定位气体泄漏源方法, 中国发明专利,2020100132044,已授权



1.陈飞* and Ren Wei. Distributed Average Tracking in Multi-Agent Systems.  Springer, 2020.

2.陈飞* and Ren Wei. On the Control of Multi-Agent Systems. Foundations & Trends in Systems and Control, 2019.


1.陈飞* and Chen Jie. “Minimum-energy distributed consensus control of multi-agent systems: A network approximation approach.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65.3 (2020): 1144-1159. (长文)

2.陈飞* and Feng Gang. “On the optimal parameter of the composite Laplacian quadratics function.” Automatica. 72 (2016): 1-10. (长文)

3.陈飞* and Ren Wei. “Sign projected gradient flow: A continuous-time approach to convex optimization with linear equality constraints.” Automatica, 120 (2020): 109156. (长文)

4.陈飞*, Jin Jin, Xiang Linying, and Ren Wei. “A scaling-function approach for distributed constrained optimization in unbalanced multi-agent networks.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67.11 (2022): 6112-6118.

5.陈飞*, Xiang Linying, and Ren Wei. “Properties of composite Laplacian quadratics and their applications in consensus of linear differential inclusions.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61.8 (2016): 2269-2275.

6.陈飞*, Ren Wei, Lan Weiyao, and Chen Guanrong. “Distributed average tracking for reference signals with bounded accelerations.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60.3 (2015): 863-869.

7.陈飞*, Feng Gang, Ren Wei, and Liu Lu. “Distributed average tracking of networked Euler-Lagrange systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60.2 (2015): 547-552.

8.陈飞*, Cao Yongcan, and Ren Wei. “Distributed average tracking of multiple time-varying reference signals with bounded derivatives.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57.12 (2012): 3169-3174.

9.陈飞*, Chen Xiaozheng, Xiang Linying, and Ren Wei. “Distributed economic dispatch via a predictive scheme: Heterogeneous delays and privacy preservation.” Automatica, 123 (2021): 109356.

10.陈飞, Chen Zengqiang*, Xiang Linying, Liu Zhongxin, and Yuan Zhuzhi. “Reaching a consensus via pinning control.” Automatica 45.5 (2009): 1215-1220.

11.Jia Chunxiang, 陈飞*, Xiang Linying, Lan Weiyao, Feng Gang. “When distributed formation control is feasible under hard constraints on energy and time?”, Automatica, 135 (2022): 109984.

12.Sun Shan, 陈飞, and Ren Wei*. “Distributed Average Tracking in Unbalanced Directed Networks.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66.9 (2021): 4436-4443.

13.Lv, Jing*, 陈飞, and Guanrong Chen. “Nonsmooth leader-following formation control of nonidentical multi-agent systems with directed communication topologies.” Automatica 64 (2016): 112-120.

14.Ghapani, Sheida, Ren Wei*, 陈飞, and Song Yongduan. “Distributed average tracking for double-integrator multi-agent systems with reduced requirement on velocity measurements.” Automatica 81 (2017): 1-7.

15. 陈飞*, Chen Changjiang, Guo Ge, Hua Changchun, Chen Guanrong. “Delay and packet-drop tolerant multi-stage distributed average tracking in mean square.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(9): 9535-9545, 2022.

16. 陈飞* and Ren Wei. “A connection between dynamic region-following formation control and distributed average tracking.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 48.6 (2018): 1760-1772.

17. Xiang Linying, Du Yong, Jia Chunxiang, 陈飞*, Chen Guanrong. “Energy-efficient distributed formation control of sampled-data multi-agent systems with packet losses”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 54.4 (2024): 2216-2223.

18.陈飞, Xiang Linying*, Lan Weiyao, and Chen Guanrong. “Coordinated tracking in mean square for a multi-agent system with noisy channels and switching directed network topologies.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 59.11 (2012): 835-839.

19.Hu Wenbo, 陈飞*, Xiang Linying, and Chen Guanrong. “Multi-ASV coordinated tracking with unknown dynamics and input underactuation via model-reference reinforcement learning control.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 6588-6597, 2023.

20.Huang Bomin, Yang Chengwang, Meng Ziyang, 陈飞*, Ren Wei. “Distributed nonlinear placement for multi-cluster systems: A time-varying Nash equilibrium seeking approach”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(11): 11614-11623, 2022.

21.Xiang Linying, Wang Peiru, 陈飞*, and Chen Guanrong. “Controllability of directed networked MIMO systems with heterogeneous dynamics.” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 7.2(2020):807-817.

22.Huang, Bomin, Meng, Ziyang, and Chen, Fei*. “Distributed nonlinear placement for a class of multicluster Euler-Lagrange systems”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 6418-6425, 2022.

23.Huang, Bomin, Zou, Yao, 陈飞*, and Meng Ziyang. “Distributed time-varying economic dispatch via a prediction-correction method”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System I: Regular Papers, 69(10): 4215 - 4224, 2022.

24.Zhu Jiawei, Xiang Linying*, Yu Yanyin, 陈飞, and Chen Guanrong. “Average Controllability of Complex Networks with Laplacian Dynamics.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1704-1714, 2022.

25.Wang Wuguang, 陈飞*, Xiang Linying, and Chen Guanrong. “A distributed algorithm for tracking general functions of multiple signals not-necessarily having steady states.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 68.6(2021): 2107-2111.

26.Xiang Linying*, 陈飞, Ren Wei, and Chen Guanrong. Advances in network controllability. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 19.2(2019): 8-32.

27.Xu Kedong, Gao Lan*, 陈飞, Li Chaojie, and Xuan Qi. “Robust finite-time dynamic average consensus with exponential convergence rates.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no 7, pp. 2578-2582, 2021.

28.Gao Lan, Lu Hao, Wang Jian-Liang, 陈飞, Yu Xiang, Jiang Peng, and Li Huaqing, “Robust Distributed Average Tracking with Disturbance Observer Control”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024.

29.Wang Fuyong, Chuai Ce, Liu Zhongxin, 陈飞*, “Data-Driven Tracking for Nonlinear Systems: A Multi-Step Error Feedback Model Free Adaptive Control Method”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 71.5 (2024):2714-2718.

30.Du Yong, 陈飞*, Xiang Linying, Guo Ge, and Chen Guanrong. “Simultaneous Source Localization and Formation via a Distributed Sign Gradient-Free Algorithm” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2024.


本科生课程:微分方程与复变函数、新生研讨课、Nonlinear Systems(全英文授课)、智能优化算法及其应用

研究生课程:Stability of Control Systems and Robust Control(全英文授课)、Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Systems(双语)、现代优化计算方法






