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     System & Control LettersAssociate Editor



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6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,交互型非经典信息结构下的随机最优控制,2022/01-2025/12,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,随机系统的时间不一致最优控制, 2018/01-2021/12,主持

4. 中国博士后基金第八批特别资助,时间非一致的随机线性二次最优控制,2015/08-2016/12,主持

3. 中国博士后基金面上项目一等资助,平均场随机控制:线性二次结构,2014/09- 2016/12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高阶张量的低秩恢复问题研究,2015/01-2018/12,参与

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多智能体系统基于扰动和时滞的一致性分析与控制,2012/01-2015/12,参与


代表性论文 (研究生#,通讯作者*):                                           

[33]Haoran Li# and Yuan-Hua Ni*, Policy optimization of finite-horizon Kalman filter with unknown noise covariance, arXiv:2310.15467.

[32]Lechen Feng# and Yuan-Hua Ni*, Accelerated optimization landscape of linear-quadratic regulator, arXiv:2307.03590.

[31]Yutian Wang#, Yuan-Hua Ni*, and Xun Li, Solving coupled nonlinear forward-backward stochastic differential equations: an optimization perspective with backward measurability loss, arXiv:2310.13562.

[30]Hui Jia# and Yuan-Hua Ni*, Decentralized stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control with risk constraint and partial observation, to appear in System & Control Letters.

[29]Yutian Wang#, Yuan-Hua Ni*, Zengqiang Chen, and Ji-Feng Zhang, Probabilistic framework of Howard‘s policy iteration: BML evaluation and robust convergence analysis, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,  2023, early access, DOI:  10.1109/TAC.2023.3344870. (Full Paper)  

[28]Hui Jia# and Yuan-Hua Ni*, Partially observed optimal control of local and remote controllers, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34: 3189-3206. 

[27]Di. Zhang# and Yuan-Hua Ni*, Differential privacy optimal control with asymmetric information structure, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2024, 45: 393-412. 

[26]Yuan-Hua Ni, Liping Liu, and Xinzhen Zhang, Deterministic dynamic Stackelberg games: time-consistent open-loop solution, Automatica, 2023, 148: 110757. (Regular Paper) 

[25]Yuan-Hua Ni, Binbin Si, and Xinzhen Zhang, A Nash-type fictitious game framework to time-inconsistent stochastic control problems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2022, 60(2): 1163-1189. 

[24]Hongyuan Xu#, Yuan-Hua Ni*, Zhongxin Liu, and Zengqiang Chen,Privacy-preserving leader-following consensus via node-augment mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68(6): 2117-2121.

[23]Binbin Si#, Yuan-Hua Ni*, Qinglin Sun, and Zengqiang Chen, A robust time-inconsistent linear-quadratic problem. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(7): 2737-2761.

[22]Binbin Si#,Yuan-Hua Ni*, Ji-Feng Zhang, Time-inconsistent stochastic LQ problem with regime switching, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2020, 33: 1733-754. 


[21]Fuyong Wang, Yuan-Hua Ni, Zhongxin Liu, Zengqiang Chen. Fully distributed containment control for second-order multi-agent systems with communication delay. ISA Transactions, 2020, 99: 123-129.             


[20]Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang and Miroslav Krstic, Equilibrium solutions of multi-period mean-variance portfolio selection, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(4): 1716-1723.        


[19]Fu-Yong Wang, Yuan-Hua Ni, Zhong-Xin Liu, and Zeng-Qiang Chen, Containment control for general second-order multiagent systems with switched dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(2): 550-560.     


[18]Bing-Chang Wang, Yuan-Hua Ni*, Huanshui Zhang, Mean field games for multi-agents systems with multiplicative noises, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019, online, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.4719. 


[17]Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang and Miroslav Krstic, Mixed equilibrium solution of time-inconsistent stochastic LQ problem, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2019, vol.57, no.1, pp.533-569.    


[16]Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang, Miroslav Krstic, Time-inconsistent mean-field stochastic LQ problem: open-loop time-consistent control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63(9): 2771-2786.  (Full Paper)  


[15]Yuan-Hua Ni, Cedric Ka-Fai Yiu, Huanshui Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Delayed optimal control of stochastic LQ problem, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2017, 55(5): 3370-3407.             


[14]Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang, Indefinite mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control: from finite horizon to infinite horizon, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61 (11): 3269-3284. (Full Paper)   


[13]Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang, Mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control with Markov jump parameters, System & Control Letter, 2016, 93:69-76.

[12]Wei Ni, Dongya Zhao, Yuanhua Ni, Xiaoli Wang, Stochastic averaging approach to leader-following consensus of linear multi-agent systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353 (12): 2650-2669.                                        


[11]Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang, Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control without time-consistency requirement, Communications in Information and Systems, 2015, 15 (4): 521-550.  


[10]Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang, Xun Li, Indefinite mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60 (7): 1786-1800. (Full Paper)  


[9] Yuan-Hua Ni, Robert Elliott, Xun Li, Discrete-time mean-field stochastic linear- quadratic optimal control problems. II---infinite horizon case, Automatica, 2015, 57: 65-77. (Regular Paper) 


[8] Wan-Kai Pang, Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ka-Fai Cedric Yiu, Continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection with partial information, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2014, 4: 353-365.

[7] Yuan-Hua Ni, Hai-Tao Fang, Policy iteration algorithm for controlled singular diffusion processes, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2013, 51 (5): 3844-3862.  

[6] Robert Elliott, Xun Li, Yuan-Hua Ni*, Discrete time mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problems, Automatica, 2013, 49 (11): 3222-3233. (Regular Paper) 


[5] Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Consensus seeking in multi-agent systems with multiplicative measurement noises, Systems & Control Letters, 2013, 62 (5): 430-437.

[4] Yuan-Hua Ni, Output feedback H-infinity control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2010, 26 (2): 251-266.

[3] Yuan-Hua Ni, Weihai Zhang, Hai-Tao Fang, On the observability and detectability of linear stochastic systems with Markov jumps and multiplicative noise, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2010, 23 (1): 102-115.

[2] 倪元华, 桂克锋, 基于奇异摄动理论的电驱动机器人神经网络控制, 工程数学学报, 2007, 24 (2): 204-208.       


[1] 彭济根, 倪元华, 乔红, 柔性关节机械手的神经网络控制, 自动化学报, 2007, 33 (2): 175-180.


研究生课程 《矩阵论》, 本科生课程 《概率论与数理统计》、《强化学习原理》



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